Vienīgais LOBODA koncerts Latvijā!
Wondersalā – Andrejsalā 14. augustā uzstāsies populārā ukraiņu dziedātāja Svetlana Loboda, kura pēc kara sākšanās dzimtenē ir pārcēlusies uz dzīvi Rīgā un nu ir gatava koncertēt galvaspilsētas publikai un viesiem.
Gaidāmie notikumi
It will happen in one of the most beautiful event places, by the river of Daugava. If we will be lucky - beautiful sunset is guaranteed.
It is easy to get by taxi, tram, or e-scooter. That means you won't be stuck in traffic when going to or returning from the event.
The place offers a large variety of food and other entertainment options after the event, such as Naples Restaurant and First Night Club.